[OFFER PDF] Cisco Press – CCNP TSHOOT Lab Manual

The only authorized Lab Manual for Cisco Networking Academy’s new CCNP TSHOOT: Troubleshooting and Maintaining IP Networks, V.6 (642-832)

  • A portable, bound copy of all 12 CCNP V 6.x TSHOOT Labs: convenient lightweight and friendly
  • Allows students to review or walk through hands-on labs without a huge textbook or live Web connection
  • Contains additional pages between labs for in-class note-taking
  • Separate answer key available at Cisco Academy Connection and the PearsonHighered.com Instructor Resource site

    This hands-on Lab Manual is the perfect companion for all Cisco Networking Academy students who are taking the new course CCNP TSHOOT: Troubleshooting and Maintaining IP Networks (V. 6) as part of their CCNP preparation.

    It offers a portable, bound copy of all 12 CCNP V 6.x TSHOOT network troubleshooting and maintenance labs in a convenient, lightweight format that allows students to walk through key procedures and easily take notes without a large textbook or a live Internet connection. Working with these conveniently-formatted labs, students will gain practical experience performing regular maintenance on complex enterprise routed and switched networks, and using technology-based practices and a systematic ITIL-compliant approach to troubleshoot networks.
    (Change “hxxp” to “http”)  hxxp://www.4shared.com/office/xiiCUdZW/ccnp_tshoot_642-832_student_la.html