CCNA® Exam Cram Third Edition Michael Valentine Andrew Whitaker Exam 640-802 The Smart Way to Study™ “The CCNA exam is difficult and I would not have passed it if I did not have this book with me. The CCNA Exam Cram is an indispensable resource that guided me from the introduction of networking fundamentals to the application of networking theories. Whether you need to learn from scratch or just need a quick reference, this book is an excellent guide that will definite
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Price: $ 15.77
The CCNA Exam Prep, Second Edition, is an in-depth training guide for the new CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) certification from Cisco. Published in the popular Exam Prep series, the book incorporates all the topics tested in this newly-revised exam, including new security, VPN, wireless, IPv6, and troubleshooting coverage. The authors emphasize sub-netting concepts because this is historically a difficult roadblock for Cisco certification candidates. This Exam Prep covers all the e
List Price: $ 49.99
Price: $ 30.74
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